Save on Preparation Fees with our Referral System

Want to save money on your tax preparation fees?

Bailey’s Tax Services rewards clients who refer others to us. Through our new referral system, clients can save themselves up to 100% of our regular fees.

Whenever we have a good experience, we often share our good fortune with people who we know. Don’t you? It might be a movie we saw or the restaurant we visited last Saturday.Unlike the movie house or the restaurant, we will reward you for doing so.

Bailey's Tax Services is dedicated to making your experience with us a good and profitable one. We hope that, after your experience with us, you will want to tell our friends and colleagues.

Do you know someone who is starting a business? how about a new immigrant? Student?

Here is how the referral system works

It is so simple you may only need to refer 1 person.

For each referral you introduce to Bailey’s Tax Services you receive $5.00 from your next tax return.

For each referral that your initial referral introduces (1st generation) you receive an additional $5.00.

Referrals are accumulative and can be carried forward to future years if not used.

You receive $5.00 for each direct or indirect referral up to a maximum of $50.00.

Any combination of direct and indirect referrals regardless of generation can be used to make up the maximum. Thereafter you would receive a minimum discount of $50.00 to be applied to your fees as long as you remained a client, even if you never made another referral.

As an example:

You refer David who goes on to use our services and you will receive a discount of $5.00 off your next tax return.

If David, then, refers Jane and Andrew who both use the service, David will receive $10.00 off his next return.

If Jane refers Susan then Jane receives $5.00, and so on. It gets better.

Each referrer saves an additional $5.00 for each direct and indirect referral who uses our service.

In the example above, you would receive $5.00 for David (direct), an additional $5.00 each for Jane and Andrew and another $5.00 for Susan (indirect) for an accumulated total of $20.00 off your next tax return. David would receive $5.00 each for Jane and Andrew (direct) and $5.00 for Susan (indirect) for an accumulated total of $15.00: Jane would receive $5.00 off her next return, for Susan.

In addition, since people file at different times and referrals are often made after the fact, you can carry forward any unused amounts to the next year. You can accumulate any combination of direct or indirect referrals up to a maximum of $50.00 after which you receive a guaranteed minimum discount of $50.00 off each year’s tax preparation fees. Even if, you never make another referral.

Do you see how easy it is to save money by using our referral system?

If your experience with us is good tell your friends, if your experience with us was bad tell us

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