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The Individual Taxpayer
Starting today, let's us accompany you,the individual taxpayer, on your journey to a better understanding of your tax system which can lead to substantial tax savings.
Today the individual tax payer carries the brunt of the tax burden and personal income taxes account for more than 50% of all government revenues. Far too many Canadians,however,pay way more taxes than they should. Some worry that if they try to reduce their taxes they'll get into trouble with the CCRA. Far from it. As long as you are honest in what you do, your claims are reasonable and verifiable and you keep accurate records, you should have nothing to fear.
Intelligent tax planning can cut hundreds of dollars from your annual tax bill. By shielding enough of your earnings with deductions and credits along with tax efficient investing you can push your taxable income into a lower tax bracket. The financially successful make tax planning a routine part of their wealth creation strategies. Why not you? Where do you fit in? In order to create and preserve wealth it is very important for the Canadian taxpayer to be aware of his tax situation. Taxes takes a significant amount of our incomes at all stages of our working lives and beyond. If we want to keep the tax man from out of our pocket, then we must know the rules by which we are playing. Wouldn't you agree? Here are some of the bare necessities we should know Choosing The right Tax Advisor
Tax Planning So where do you start? A tax analysis will give the individual taxpayer a clear picture of where she stands and forms a solid foundation to help minimize taxes while creating and protecting wealth.
Tax Checklist Sources of Income How is the individual taxpayer's taxes calculated?? Estimate how much taxes you can save this year Bailey's Tax Services can provide you with some of the answers to these questions . To find out where you stand and how to BOOST YOUR TAX SAVINGS NOW Simply complete the form below to set up a confidential appointment. We'll take it from there. Save on your fees by referring others.